Simon's first OP - as far as I can tell - from16 years ago:
Welcome to the newest Jehovah's Witness discussion forum on the Net.
Please register so that you can post to the forum and turn this into a welcoming place for other brothers and sisters online
A little further down the thread Simon writes:
Hi ManofTrueGod
We've had a few introductions from people (on another topic somewhere) but I'm hoping it won't need to become as formal and intimidating to register with as some of the other forums.
It does mean that we only know about people what they will tell us. I think it's more important to go off what people say than who they say they are (after all, imposters will tell us that they are JWs the same as genuine ones will so how can we tell if not by what they say)
Wow! Simon was a died in the wool JW, paranoid about apostates and all! LOL. It's amazing how much we can change in life once we practice intellectual honesty and follow the evidence no matter where it leads.